Operation Hours

Rotarun Ski Area Hours & Events

2024/25 Season Hours

Public skiing hours at Rotarun Ski Area for the 2024/25 season will be announced late fall 2024.

2023/24 public skiing hours were as follows:

Wednesdays: 6-9pm FREE Public Skiing
Fridays: 6-9pmSaturdays and Sundays: 12-4pm

*Please note that hours of public skiing may change. We will make every effort to message changes on our social media platforms and to update the calendar.

Please see calendar below for upcoming events as they are scheduled.

Ticket Prices

Adults 18+ = $TBA for 2024/25
Youth 6-17 = $TBA for 2024/25
Children 5 and under = FREE
Season passes for 2024/25 on sale fall of 2024.

Passes Will Go On Sale Fall 2024

*Be sure to check out Freddy’s Pass Program on the home page to apply for a free season pass!