
What are your hours?

Operations, hours, beacon park, and events information can be found on our Mountain Ops page.

When and where can I skin uphill at Rotarun?

View our Uphill Policy and map here.

Do you have ski rentals?

Unfortunately, no. However, you can rent gear from Sturtevants Ski & Bike in Hailey.

Do you allow dogs off-leash during public skiing?

We prefer you keep your dogs on a leash, in the car, or at home. Dogs running up onto the hill is a liability, and we don’t want to pick up after your doggy doo-doo.

Do you allow sledding on Rotarun property? 

No sledding is permitted on Rotarun property during the ski season (through March 31).

Can we set up our tailgate equipment at the base area during public night skiing?

Yes! Tables, grills, and fire pits are welcome. However, please clean up after yourselves. Firewood and trash should not be left on the ground in the base area.

Where is the beacon park and how do I use it?

Visit information and instructions here.

When can I sign up for Rota-Rippers? 

The registration window is roughly early October thru end of November before the start of the season.

What is the Rota-Rippers blue bus pick-up schedule? 

Bellevue Elementary – 2:05pm

Syringa – 2:20pm

Alturas Elementary – 2:25pm

Hailey Elementary – 2:45pm